Letter to the Editor: “Billing, coding errors.” CAP TODAY October 2002 pp. 8, 11
Letter to the Editor:”Questionable Recommendations” on the article “Cutting Expenses in Anatomical Pathology”. Advance for Medical Laboratory Professionals 2002 December 2. pp. 11, 19
CAP TODAY – In Seth L. Haber’s column “Innovation in Pathology”: Handling bones and other calcified tissue –September 2003; December 2003; March 2004
Letter to the Editor: “Microwave-Assisted Rapid Tissue Processing.” American Journal of Clinical Pathology 2004; 122: 612-616
Dimenstein IB: The Grossing Technique of a Mandible Bone. Hard Times. Communique of the Hard Tissue Committee NSH 20004. Vol 22 : 6-8
Dimenstein IB: Preventing Unintentional Overcharge. Advance for Administrators of the Laboratory, August 2004, p.20
Dimenstein IB: CPT Coding for Soft Tissue Tumors. Advance for Administrators of the Laboratory. November 2005: 16-18
Dimenstein IB: Lymph Node Coding in Surgical Pathology. LabMedicine 2005; 36: 602-603
Letter to the Editor: “The Other Side of Compliance.” LabMedicine 2005; 36: 122
Letter to the Editor: “SNOMED and Reinventing the Autopsy.” LabMedicine 2006;
2: 54-55
Dimenstein IB: CPT Coding for Mastectomy (A Case Study). LabMedicine 2006; Vol. 37(11): 654-656
Dimenstein IB: Baby Diaper Pad for Filtration Biopsies. The Journal of Histotechnology 2006; Vol 29, No. 3. P.204
Letter to the Editor: Assisting the Pathologist, CAP TODAY, November 2006
Dimenstein IB: Hard Pressed Cardboard for Bone Grossing Immobilization. AAPA Newsletter, 2007 Vol. XXXV No.4:25
Dimenstein IB:Bone grossing techniques: helpful hints and procedures. Annals of Diagnostic Pathology 2008; 12:191-198
Campbell T., Dimenstein I.: Bone Grossing Table. Poster Abstract. The Journal of Histotechnology 2008; 31: 200
Dimenstein IB: Root Cause Analysis of Specimen Misidentification in Surgical Pathology Accession and Grossing. LabMedicine 2008; 39: 497-502
Dimenstein IB: Incision in a Foam Pad for Embedding Orientation. The Journal of Histotechnology 2008; 31: 141-142
Dimenstein IB: Grossing biopsies: an introduction to general principles and techniques. Annals of Diagnostic Pathology2009; 13: 106-113
Letter to the Editor: “The Henry Ford Production System: Reduction of Surgical Pathology In-Process Misidentification Defects by Bar Code-Specified Work Process Standardization.” American Journal of Clinical Pathology 2009; 132: 975-980
Dimenstein IB: New Devices for Manual Embedding Orientation. The Journal of Histotechnology 2009; Vol. 32 (3): 123-125
Dimenstein IB: CPT Coding in Dermatopathology. LabMedicine 2009; 40: 151-156
Dimenstein IB: A Pragmatic Approach to Formalin Safety in Anatomical Pathology. LabMedicine 2009 Vol. 40 (12):740-746
Dimenstein IB: “The Grossing Histotechnologist in Surgical Pathology” (Two installments) Advance for Administrators of the Laboratory online edition 2010 May 10th and 20th
Dimenstein IB: Sectionable cassette for embedding automation in surgical pathology. Annals of Diagnostic Pathology 2010; 14:100-106
Letter to the Editor: “The Use of Bar-Coding and Tracking in Surgical Pathology to Enhance Patient Safety.” The Journal of Histotechnology 2010 Vol.33:131-132
Dimenstein IB: Principles and Controversies in CPT Coding in Surgical Pathology. LabMedicine 2011; 42: 242-249
Author’s Response. LabMedicine 2011; 42: 376
Dimenstein IB: Specialized Stations for Grossing Biopsies. The Cutting Edge Journal. AAPA 2011Vol.1. 1: 20-22
Dimenstein IB: Gadgets for ‘Floaters’ prevention in the histopathology laboratory. The Journal of Histotechnology 2011; Vol. 34, 2: 88-90
Dimenstein IB: Decalcification in surgical pathology. The Cutting Edge Journal. AAPA 2012. Vol. 2. 3: 21-23
Letter to the Editor: The abandoned Root Cause Analysis original methodology. LabMedicine. Online edition. Published May 17, 2013
Dimenstein IB, Dimenstein SI: Development of a Laboratory Niche Website. Annals of Diagnostic Pathology, 2013; June 12, in Press http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.anndiagpath.2013.05.002
Izak B. Dimenstein: Third-hand Immobilization in Gross Sectioning of Pathology Specimens. Histologic, June 2013, Vol XLVI, No.1, pp8-10.
Dimenstein IB: The concept of adjustable immobilization to aid grossing and facilitate uniform biopsy slices. Technical Note. 2013; Journal of Histotechnology; Vol. 36, Number 3:106-109.
Dimenstein IB and Dimenstein SI: Poster abstract. The “Nested Doll” principle in the development of an educational laboratory niche website” NSH Symposium /Convention, Providence, September, 2013
Dimenstein IB: IHC coding changes. Letter to the Editor. CAP TODAY, 2014, February, Page 6.
Workshops materials at AAPA and National Society for Histotechnology (NSH) conventions and regional meetings on grossing bones, biopsies, and small specimens, website development methodology (2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2013).
Publication in the USA
Letter to the Editor: “Billing, coding errors.” CAP TODAY October 2002 pp. 8, 11
Letter to the Editor:”Questionable Recommendations” on the article “Cutting Expenses in Anatomical Pathology”. Advance for Medical Laboratory Professionals 2002 December 2. pp. 11, 19
CAP TODAY – In Seth L. Haber’s column “Innovation in Pathology”: Handling bones and other calcified tissue –September 2003; December 2003; March 2004
Letter to the Editor: “Microwave-Assisted Rapid Tissue Processing.” American Journal of Clinical Pathology 2004; 122: 612-616
Dimenstein IB: The Grossing Technique of a Mandible Bone. Hard Times. Communique of the Hard Tissue Committee NSH 20004. Vol 22 : 6-8
Dimenstein IB: Preventing Unintentional Overcharge. Advance for Administrators of the Laboratory, August 2004, p.20
Dimenstein IB: CPT Coding for Soft Tissue Tumors. Advance for Administrators of the Laboratory. November 2005: 16-18
Dimenstein IB: Lymph Node Coding in Surgical Pathology. LabMedicine 2005; 36: 602-603
Letter to the Editor: “The Other Side of Compliance.” LabMedicine 2005; 36: 122
Letter to the Editor: “SNOMED and Reinventing the Autopsy.” LabMedicine 2006;
2: 54-55
Dimenstein IB: CPT Coding for Mastectomy (A Case Study). LabMedicine 2006; Vol. 37(11): 654-656
Dimenstein IB: Baby Diaper Pad for Filtration Biopsies. The Journal of Histotechnology 2006; Vol 29, No. 3. P.204
Dimenstein IB: Hard Pressed Cardboard for Bone Grossing Immobilization. AAPA Newsletter, 2007 Vol. XXXV No.4:25
Dimenstein IB:Bone grossing techniques: helpful hints and procedures. Annals of Diagnostic Pathology 2008; 12:191-198
Campbell T., Dimenstein I.: Bone Grossing Table. Poster Abstract. The Journal of Histotechnology 2008; 31: 200
Dimenstein IB: Root Cause Analysis of Specimen Misidentification in Surgical Pathology Accession and Grossing. LabMedicine 2008; 39: 497-502
Dimenstein IB: Incision in a Foam Pad for Embedding Orientation. The Journal of Histotechnology 2008; 31: 141-142
Dimenstein IB: Grossing biopsies: an introduction to general principles and techniques. Annals of Diagnostic Pathology2009; 13: 106-113
Letter to the Editor: “The Henry Ford Production System: Reduction of Surgical Pathology In-Process Misidentification Defects by Bar Code-Specified Work Process Standardization.” American Journal of Clinical Pathology 2009; 132: 975-980
Dimenstein IB: New Devices for Manual Embedding Orientation. The Journal of Histotechnology 2009; Vol. 32 (3): 123-125
Dimenstein IB: CPT Coding in Dermatopathology. LabMedicine2009; 40: 151-156
Dimenstein IB: A Pragmatic Approach to Formalin Safety in Anatomical Pathology. LabMedicine 2009 Vol. 40 (12):740-746
Dimenstein IB: “The Grossing Histotechnologist in Surgical Pathology” (Two installments) Advance for Administrators of the Laboratory online edition 2010 May 10th and 20th
Dimenstein IB: Sectionable cassette for embedding automation in surgical pathology. Annals of Diagnostic Pathology 2010; 14:100-106
Letter to the Editor: “The Use of Bar-Coding and Tracking in Surgical Pathology to Enhance Patient Safety.” The Journal of Histotechnology 2010 Vol.33:131-132
Dimenstein IB: Principles and Controversies in CPT Coding in Surgical Pathology. LabMedicine 2011; 42: 242-249
Author’s Response. LabMedicine 2011; 42: 376
Dimenstein IB: Specialized Stations for Grossing Biopsies. The Cutting Edge Journal. AAPA 2011Vol.1. 1: 20-22
Dimenstein IB: Gadgets for ‘Floaters’ prevention in the histopathology laboratory. The Journal of Histotechnology 2011; Vol. 34, 2: 88-90
Workshops materials at National Society for Histotechnology (NSH) conventions and regional meetings on grossing bones, biopsies, and small specimens (2005, 2007, 2008, 2009).